Kristen Nolte

KRISTEN NOLTE has spent the last 20 years building innovative ways to advertise to customers by bringing content rich experiences to life. Although planted early in her career in the technology industry with companies such as Dell and Sun Microsystems, she later married her passion of marketing with her insatiable desire to travel and has never looked back! Nolte is vice president, global marketing at HomeAway, the world leader in vacation rentals, and prior to this was the CMO of Exclusive Resorts. Her marketing teams have garnered awards across the industry including the min Integrated Marketer, the HSMAI Adrian award and Oracle’s Markie award. Nolte believes in the transformative power of travel and its ability to expand human understanding and tolerance. She has been blessed to live a few different places including, most recently Denver, CO and Amsterdam, NL, but is happy to be back “home” in Austin to watch her alma mater, the University of Texas Longhorns. @homeaway