Trudy Bourgeois

TRUDY BOURGEOUIS is the CEO and president of The Center for Workforce Excellence. She is a renowned and respected authority on leadership development, change management and workplace transformation, especially as pertaining to women and people of color. She is a best-selling author, speaker, trainer and coach, but most importantly, she’s a teacher at heart. Bourgeouis believes that when people can learn and grow, they can achieve. Which ultimately empowers them to LEAD! After a successful career as a senior sales and marketing executive managing teams of thousands and a $3 billion budget, Bourgeois took all her experience and passion and founded The Center for Workforce Excellence in 2001. Companies such as Intel, PepsiCo, Kroger and ConAgra credit CWE with advancing their talent management initiatives and more. She is a featured blogger for The Huffington Post, writes for numerous magazines and publications, including The Washington Post. Dollars and Sense Magazine honored Bourgeois as one of the “Best and Brightest Women Leaders.” She has authored two leadership books, “HER CORNER OFFICE: A Guide to Help Women Find a Place and a Voice in Corporate America” (2nd Edition) and “THE HYBRID LEADER: Blending the Best of Male and Female Leadership Styles.” She has also served on several boards including the Network of Executive Women. @trudybourgeois