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24 Things You can Do with Social Media to Get into College (or put your best foot forward)!

Gina CarrollsmSpeaker: Gina Carroll, blogger and author, 24 Things You Can Do with Social Media to Help Get into College

Colleges have now embraced social media as an important tool in the admissions process. They are also using sites like Facebook to uncover unsavory information about candidates. This session illustrates ways that you can use social media to explore, attract and connect with colleges in a positive way. Learn how to create an online presence that allows schools to see your strengths and attributes. We also explore tools how to turn a potentially negative outcome (like getting turned down by your college of choice because of your social media content) into an optimal one by creating a positive social media presence. Even if you are not college bound, this session offers practical tools for building a social media presence that is invaluable to your job search and life.

Host: Dahna L. Hull, President & General Manager, Retail Sales & Service, AT&T Mobility South Texas