Free Teleclass: Find More Meaning, Joy and Life Balance with Mallika Chopra
The Keys to Finding More Meaning, Joy and Life Balance
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Download “6 Steps to Living with Intent”
Stop feeling guilty about all you haven’t done, and start feeling glad for what you have yet to experience and achieve. In this 30-minute teleclass, Mallika Chopra, author of Living With Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy, shares her six-step process for living with intent: incubate, notice, trust, express, nurture and take action. With this practical road map, you will move from thought to action to outcome. Finally, a real action plan for achieving life balance and living fully!
Join us on Tuesday, March 29th at 12pm Central for this call-in event.
Dial-in information will be provided after you register.
The day of the call, follow along and share your own highlights on Twitter using @TexasWomen and #txconfwomen.
Mallika Chopra is a mom, media entrepreneur, public speaker and published author. Her most recent book, “Living With Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy,” was published in April 2015. Chopra is the founder of, a website and app focused on personal, social and global wellness. Her intent is to harness the power of social media to connect people from around the world to improve their own lives, their communities and the planet.