Rebirth–Patricia Gras
The stock market is on a roller coaster ride. People are dying of hunger in Somalia. There are riots in London. Climate disasters including tsunamis, earthquakes, floods and droughts are almost a weekly occurrence. The economy is bad EVERYWHERE. Many CEOs who bring their companies down get bonuses for their hard work and it appears politicians only care to win elections despite the horrible consequences of their actions or inaction. To top it all, it is hot!
Virtues such as ethics, integrity, compassion, tolerance and prudence seldom make the news. Many are suggesting we need a revolution. I say we need a “renewal.”
Americans have what it takes to take their country back from the greedy. They are everywhere: in government, corporations, institutions, neighborhoods. It is time for those who believe in these virtues to stand up for what is right. WE need to believe in ourselves again. We need to be born again. We can’t keep pointing fingers at everyone else, because we need to start with (as Michael Jackson used to sing) the “man or woman in the mirror.” That’s you and me.
I can only share what I have done to live in peace despite the chaos surrounding everyday life. I focus on improving my relationships. I keep an attitude of gratitude and I make every effort I can to be kinder, more understanding, more joyful and compassionate with the people around me. Am I successful? Sometimes I am not. There are times I want to throw the towel and stop believing things will get better, or that people will wake up, or that the planet is not suffering. I do know I have to be the change I want in the world. I want to be the peace I want in the world. I know this for certain, if I can’t find that within me, I sure won’t find it elsewhere. Think about it. You can make a difference. Start today.
Texas Conference for Women speaker Patricia Gras is an ardent storyteller, whether it is using the medium of television or music. Her current award-winning show “Living Smart” with Patricia Gras is now airing on over 200 PBS channels across the country. Across her career, has produced and hosted some of the most respected television programs in Houston, including, “Latina Voices: Smart Talk with Minerva Perez and Sofia Adrogue.” Gras is the recipient of more than 170 journalism awards, including six regional and Lone Star Emmy Awards and 16 national Tellys.