James Clear
JAMES CLEAR is a personal development virtual keynote speaker and the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Atomic Habits . His entertaining talks teach audiences about small habits, decision-making, and continuous improvement. Clear doesn’t merely report the research of others. He tries out the concepts for himself as he experiments with building better habits as an entrepreneur, writer, and weightlifter. In the end, his talks end up being one-part storytelling, one-part academic research, and one-part personal experiment, forming a colorful blend of inspirational stories, academic science, and hard-earned wisdom. As of May 2020, his book Atomic Habits has sold over 2 million copies worldwide, enjoyed 12 straight months on the New York Times bestseller list, spent 33 weeks on the Wall Street Journal bestselling list, and topped Amazon’s Most Sold List for 31 weeks. His thought leadership regularly appears in the New York Times, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, Medium, and Time, and he is a regular guest for CBS This Morning. @jamesclear