Virginia Woodruff

Virginia Woodruff founded the witty website Great Moments in Parenting. Since launching in late 2012, Great Moments in Parenting has grown to a well-known platform where moms and dads can commiserate about just how hard (and humorous) parenting can be. It was a 2013 SXSW Interactive Award finalist. Woodruff’s essays have been published in Brain,Child, The Huffington Post, Babble, Midlife Boulevard, Birth and Beyond magazine, AltEd, ACL with Kids, Do512 and other sites. Her essay “I Survived Baby” was chosen for the Babble book Best of Blogs: Those First Twelve Weeks. She also contributed to the book “Big Idea Patterns,” by Cabe Lindsay, about creativity. In May, 2014, she was a selected reader in “Listen to Your Mother: Austin,” a live show of readings about motherhood. She’s working on a book about motherhood–why it’s harder today than it was a generation ago. @gmparenting