The Happy Perfectionist: Managing the Trap | 2019 Session

Are you thorough, efficient and conscientious about every detail of life both at home and work? Do you set high goals and work hard to achieve them? Welcome to the Type A Club! You have many positive traits that are great for impressing the boss. But, as you probably know, they can also impede your personal happiness and sense of self-worth. The good news is there are many tricks and tips that can help us perfectionists find more contentment, even amid imperfection. Join this session to learn strategies for building resilience when times get tough so you can be happier without having to do everything right.
Thought Leader: Mary Laura Philpott, author, I Miss You When I Blink
Emilie Aries, nationally recognized writer, author and founder, Bossed Up
Dr. Inger Burnett-Zeigler, associate professor, Northwestern University
Kathryn Sanders, managing director and resources lead, SW, Accenture
Emcee: Amber Armstrong, CMO, IBM Internet of Things (IoT)