TX Bag Item Form TX Bag Item Form Organization*Contact* First Last Email* Phone*Item*As a sponsor for the Texas Conference for Women, you have the opportunity to submit an item to include in the registration bags, which is provided to each Conference attendee. No, thanks. We won't be submitting an item this year. Yes, we will be submitting an item. Item Description*Items Delivery Information Below: To expedite the enormous task of assembling the Conference bags, we request that you deliver the same item for all bags. We are no longer including paper products in the bags. You may distribute your paper products at your exhibit booth. The count for the item to include in the registration bags is 7,250. (This number is subject to change, and we will apprise you well in advance of the Conference, as the date draws near.) We would ask that you label the boxes as shown below and have them delivered to the warehouse between 9:00am - 3:00pm from 9/1/2020 – 9/22/2020, as follows: Texas Conference for Women BAG STUFFING AREA - ”Add Your Company Name” c/o Texas Exposition Services LLC 6320 E. Stassney Ln, Building 2-250 Austin, TX 78744 Box ____ of ____ NOTE: Please send tracking information to [email protected] once items have been shipped. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.